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Ableism and Advocacy: getting help from the system despite the system

Most of us go years, if not decades, undiagnosed and begging for treatment--usually because of discrimination. I've created this website to compile early signs and actually useful advice for home management. I can't count the number of times I've tried looking for tips to deal with these conditions, but all I could find is three or four useless bits on sites like healthline and webmd. I only write about conditions I have, and the comments allow others to add tips they've discovered. There is also a forum, so if you have a question you can't find an answer to, try asking it there. As things have come along, I've began writing articles about ableism and advocacy in order to draw attention for those who are unaware and give advice to those who are struggling.

Copyright: Savannah Cruthers 2023
IG: The.Savannah.Syndrome
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