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Part 18: Friday the 13th Part 2

Writer's picture: Savannah CruthersSavannah Cruthers

Do I even need to introduce the plot?


One of the counsellors in this movie is a male wheelchair user. Unexpectedly, they hired a very muscular and attractive actor. At the beginning of the movie, he’s trying to get down a gravel hill. Someone grabs the handles on his chair and asks if he needs help. He declines and is fine on his own. Later, however, when everyone’s going to a bar in town, he says he doesn’t want to go because, “Nothing spoils a party faster than a drunk in a wheelchair.” The person talking to him says, “That’s crap. Look, we can go together if you want.” He still declines. There are conspicuously no ramps to the cabins that are several steps above ground, and the actor clearly didn’t practice with the wheelchair at all.


Later, he’s shown beating an able bodied character in arm wrestling and another able bodied character seriously flirting with him. This scene is spliced with various characters at the bar discussing Jason’s mental state, including someone in training for child psychology. This character hypothesises, “Some kind of out-of-control psychopath? A frightened retard? A child trapped in a man’s body?” At this, one of the other characters starts doing the stereotypical sounds and arm movements of people with muscular/neurological disorders which bigots presume to mean they’re intellectually subhuman.


When we return to the camp, the girl fliting with the wheelchair user asks him out of nowhere, “What happened that you have to be in a chair?” He explains it was a motorcycle accident and that, “I don’t intend to be in this thing the rest of my life.” These two chat to figure out which cabin they’re going to have sex in, and they split up for a few minutes. During this time, the wheelchair user is killed and somehow rolls backwards down 30 stairs without falling over or backwards—he’s just bouncing down each step but sitting upright. It honestly seems like this was the sole reason for his character to be disabled, for them to fake some “cool” shot.


I probably don’t need to point this out, but Jason has a severely deformed face.

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IG: The.Savannah.Syndrome
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